Girls who grow up fatherless


I never knew how important it was to have a father. To grow up without a father figure is difficult and believe it or not this has alot of psychological affects that a girl must deal with long into adulthood. One area that it effects is relationships with other males. Issues like lack of commitment, low self-esteem, that sense of a male protector gone and “addictions” come into play as psychologists say.

Although this is general and doesn’t apply to all women who grew up without male father figures. I sometimes look at my upbringing, and I never even met my own father. I don’t want to say fatherless girls have this cloud of doom and gloom hovering above them. I certainly did not, but sometimes I remember feeling sad growing up because I had no father, since he died when I was very young.I never knew my father. I don’t think it has affected me tremendously because Allah has blessed with with such a great mother that I never had the need for a father, alhamdulilah. However, I recently was looking back into my relationships with males that were planning to “court” me and how I fled from each one. I always had this deep lack of trust and fear of commitment. As soon as I saw the relationship was moving towards, in my case marriage, all I remember was cutting everything off. I don’t know, but reading more on this topic made me think that perhaps there is a connection with being without a father growing up and having healthy relationships. The fatherless girl grows up to be a woman that doesn’t allow much time for relationship to develop over time. This can happen in relationships with a significant other or platonic ones. Often times she grapples with issues with emotional dependency. Every friendship or relationship with a significant other must happen instantly ! Since the relationships aren’t based on love but rather on need and fear of rejection, abandonment, and neglect they don’t tend to last very long. This describes alot of girls I know without fathers relationships (that will lead to halaal marriage, of course). I’m not saying this happens to every girl out there, but the majority of them. I was fortunate to not really be affected heavily, but I would definitely say it has had it’s affects on me in my personal life to an extent. But, alhamdulilah, we must have patience for everything and trust in God.

Now that I know the source, and hopefully anyone reading this who can apply this to their life, we can take the steps to overcome this with patience. In life, we face many different types of tests from Allah, and we can only win through patience and prayer. I always live by the saying always give thanks for everything, because it could have been worst. There are people in the world who grew up without a mother or father. So, no matter what we have to be thankful. At the same time, we can work on areas in our lives we feel are holding us back. There is nothing wrong with seeking knowledge, not only of the world but yourself, so that you can become essentially a better human being.

Muslims are poor and uneducated?

In the world it may seem that the majority of Muslims are from poor and uneducated countries. Maybe people also state that Muslims don’t help others in poor nations. That is far from the truth. First of all, not all Muslims are poor and uneducated, but the majority of Muslim countries do have alot of problems. This has nothing to do with Islam, in fact the reason why these countries have all these problems is because of their lack of Islam. In history, Muslims were the most progressive when the rest of Europe was in the dark ages, when Islam was the center. The further people regressed from implementing Islam into their lives, the more we see problems in those places.
Allah doesn’t care how much money you have, nor how many degrees you hold. He looks at your deeds in this world, and your heart. Really if we think about it, the poor and rich aren’t that different. They both eat, they both go to sleep, one is healthy or not regardless of money or education. The poor person might actually have less life problems than the rich person. Allah gives to everyone in the world, whether they believe in him or not. Material things are nothing to him. Like I said, when you die your house, degrees, clothes, cars and jewelry aren’t going with you to your grave. The rich person and the poor person go into the earth. Also, the majority of the inhabitants of Jannah will be people that used to be poor in this world. I’m not saying Muslims are all poor, we know that’s not true. There are many Muslim billionaires in the world.
As far as the notion that Muslims don’t help people in the world. That is a complete lie. There are many Muslim charities in the world, it’s just that we don’t hear about it in the media, because we all know the media ( and their owners) don’t like Islam, so they will never say anything positive against its followers. Muslim charity organizations as well as individual Muslims are all over the world giving charity to the less fortunate. Muslims when giving charity in general don’t like people to know, because Allah said when you give in charity your left hand shouldn’t know what your right hand gives. We do it for the sake of Allah swt.
In general, I believe Muslims are relearning their deen, which is a good sign for future generations. Ameen!

Islam is the truth.

If we look at the world today, it seems like the majority of the world is against Islam. Allah says in the Quran that they desire to blow his light with their mouths, but Allah says he will continue to perfect his light, i.e deenul Islaam. Alhamdulilah, all praises is to Allah the merciful, the supreme in glory. Today we hear all these so called “experts” on Islaam in the media, and all they do is talk disrespectfully about Muslims, they often misrepresent the true meaning of Islaam, and distort it to make it something that is purely “violent”. The sheep like masses eat up that message and like mindless drones repeat what they absorb from the media.

Who is the enemy of humanity? The answer is shaytan. Who does Shaytan hate? Of course anyone who follows the truth, i.e the Muslims. So, the Shaytan uses his human army to try to blow out the light of truth, i.e Islaam with their mouths, via slandering us but Allah what did he say? They will never do that, because he will continue to perfect his light. He is Allah, he is the greatest, the creator of the world and everything in it. Not a leave falls but through his permission. Verily, this world is a temporary abode, a testing ground. Those who believe the shahada of “There is NO God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet (pbuh) ” is truly beloved to Allah. We don’t see him, but as human beings we can use our logic to find the truth, alhamdulilah.

Everyday as Muslims we’re being tested. In fact, not only Muslims are tested in this world, every human being is tested with good or bad. People will look at you weird for wearing hijab, because we’re supposed to obey the uniform of gay fashion artists, instead of the way Allah, the creator wants us to dress. It’s unfortunate, but that’s how the world works. May Allah protect us from the trials we face, ameen.

The more you know…

So, this week I was reading more about Christian missionaries and it seems the bulk of their work targets Muslims. You see, these missionaries see Islam as a competition religion. Of course they believe that their religion is the right path, and they are trying by any means necessary to take people away from the light of Islam and into the darkness of shirk.

First, how do missionaries work? Since Islam is considered the world’s fastest growing religion, they are fighting back by going to Muslim countries to proselytize Muslims in poor nations. They use the cloak of Aid often. In African nations like Mali, which is one of the poorest countries in the world, they go into Muslim villages, and provide schools and hospitals. However, there is one aim, and that’s not something for the sake of helping people, but they want to evangelize destitute Muslims, who might not even know much about the religion.  Muslims take their precious children into Catholic schools in countries like Bangladesh and many African countries, the result is the child comes out either Christian or with a very poor imaan, and looking down on the teachings of Al-Islaam. The idea is to get them young.  In the old days, Christian missionaries failed at converting Muslims in many countries like Somalia among others mainly because our ancestors were strong Muslims, and their imaans were strong as a Ummah. However, these days with all the wars, poverty and world hardships, some people choose to sell their soul for the temporary abode of this dunya, may Allah swt save us, ameen.

 I’m not writing this to disrespect anyone’s religion, but I don’t support Christian missionary tactics. For example, in Mali, the Churches there resemble Masjids, complete with the dome. Instead of sitting on chairs they sit on the floor as we do in the Masjids. They recite the bible in the same tajweed as the Quran is recited, etc etc. They hold sermons on Fridays, just like the Muslims, and they misquote hadiths and Quran and inject the concept of the Trinity (not even found int he bible) into their teachings. These Muslims go to these Churchs disguised as Masjids to worship there, only to be tricked. How sad is that to get people to convert to your religion? Why are they lying to convert people? Shouldn’t people convert by you telling them the truth. Furthermore, they bride poor Muslims that they must first convert in order to get money. For every aid worker in those war-torn, destitute nations, there are 10 missionaires with them. I don’t have a problem with helping people, but why should there be a condition to “help” someone? They do that in Somalia as well. Anyways as I was saying previously, this makes the ignorant Muslims there feel like there isn’t much of a difference. They even have radio stations with the host having a name like “Sheikh Abdallah”, and they use Islamic words like Bismillah. Callers think these missionaries are Muslims, and to follow what they say. Often times, people are not converting to Christianity out of conviction, but merely being tricked or bribed. They also use words like “Allah” instead of saying “Jesus”, it’s a sophisticated form of doing Missionary work. The reason is Muslims know God as Allah, so if they heard a new word, it would confuse those “uneducated” Muslims, etc. As Muslims, we respect and honor Jesus (Nabi Isa), as a great prophet. Allah says in the Quran, that the likeness of Jesus is that of Adam (as). Allah said to Adam “be” and he “was”, Adam had no mother or father, so why would it be hard for Allah to make Jesus (Nabi Isa, as) without a father? It’s not hard for Allah, for he is the greatest. Also, in the bible God has “sons by the tons”, and almost everyone is called the “son of God”. The term “son of” actually is derived from Jewish terminology. If a person was religious they would call him “son of God”. Even in the bible Jesus is seen praying to God, falling on his face just as the Muslims pray. It leads one to ask if Jesus is God, why is he praying to God? Is God praying to himself? Also, when Jesus was being murdered on the cross he cried to God saying “why have you forsaken me”? Even though as Muslim we don’t believe Jesus was crucified, we believe Allah saved him and took him to heaven.

Anyways, back to the subject at hand, insha’Allah, the Muslim scholars in the world, and educated Muslims have a right to teach people about their deen. It’s not just Muslims battling Christian missionaries, but also Hindus and Budhhishts. Cambodia is one such country that has banned these missionaries. What’s more interesting is Christian missionaries attend seminars to train on “how to convert a Muslim”. If you have the truth, why would you need to learn how to convert someone, you just tell the person and if they believe they believe, if not it’s their choice. However, Christian missionaries for centuries have tried to do that to Muslims and failed, now they are resorting to bribery and tricks.

I believe in my heart that Allah will question us, why are we not doing anything about this? Why aren’t we educating our brothers and sisters over there about Allah, and monotheism, that there is only Allah? I’m sure there are many educated people in these nations, insha’Allah, may Allah save us from jahannam and increase our imaan. This dunya is verily a testing place, and we shall return to our creator.


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