The importance of Goals

Without a goal in life , you are simply existing. How many of us set goals? By setting goals I mean do we write them do? Visualize it? I always had goals, but if you don’t write them down, it just becomes a pipe dream. Something that never becomes tangible. Thanks to Allah, I’ve been having a bit of more free time lately, and I’m trying to work on the betterment of myself. We should always strive to reaching our dreams. No one is in control of our happiness but ourselves. The first step to achieving anything is taking the first step. If you have a goal, write it down. Give it a date, and have a plan of action to reaching that dream. Everyone is not where they are today without the steps they took. My plan for the next couple of months is write down 5 goals I’m trying to achieve in my personal life, and working towards that.

I was always the type of person who would plan mentally, but it occurred to me that once I write things down, they stick better. I remember once I wrote down 4 goals I wanted to achieve, in less than 1 year all of those goals came true, with the help of Allah. One of my biggest goals was to live in Somalia for a while, so I wrote that down and amazingly within 4 months I had booked my trip to Africa. When you write down goals, you can visualize it better. When I write it down, I see it and it makes it that much important that I must achieve that goal. So go out there and make it happen!


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