Racism in the “Muslim World”

I’ve recently seen some youtube videos on how Ethiopian, Fillipino and other non-Arabs are treated like crap in the middle east particularly in Saudi Arabia. I knew about this, but never did I imagine the type of racism that goes on over there. What bothers me is that when people think about Islam, they think “Saudi Arabia” and in today’s world what you see and how things are quite different. I’m very disgusted by how Arabs, in particular wealthy Arabs in Saudi Arabia treat foreigners. 

Many times Arabs want to deny they’re racist and often will use the cloak of Islam to gain sympathy from black Muslims. The matter of fact is they look down on black people, particularly Africans from poor countries. They feel they are superior because the Hajj is in Saudi Arabia, and that the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was Arab. However, Islam says that no Arab is superior to anyone else, or no one particular race is, only we’re superior in our piety. People seem to have forgotten this. In the Arab world the word for black people is “Abeed”, which literally translates to slave. It really upsets me that people who are supposed to be my “people” via Islam look down on others simply because of their class or skin color. I am so happy to live in the United States of America. It’s not perfect, but it’s a free country and most of the time justice is served. Who is speaking up for all the Ethiopian maids who are raped, and beaten daily by their Arab employers in the middle east? Who will speak for the Bangladeshi street worker in Saudi Arabia who is treated like he’s subhuman ? It hurts my heart to see how the Arab world is full of racism, yet they want us to have sympathy for Palestine. Sure, I feel sorry for the Palestinians, but it really doesn’t help their cause when they are racist themselves and call black people “slaves”. The middle east must change, they need to humble themselves….that oil money will run out one day and the Indian person they used to abuse maybe they’ll end up in their country. You never know, how you treat others will come back to you. I’m very sickened. They don’t represent Islam. Like the fact that women can’t drive? How is that Islam? No wonder the western world views Islam has something bad. Islam to me is the most beautiful thing, but some “Muslims” don’t represent it well, they show their own demons and present it as a religion. 

Recently there was a Saudi journalist who was born in Saudi Arabia in 1981 to a Saudi father and Somali mother, he was deported this month in 2014 to Somalia. The guy never has been to Somalia, and doesn’t speak a word of Somali, today he’s in Mogadishu. Why? Because they don’t consider him a “real Saudi”. Even though his father is Saudi, they look down on Saudis marrying outside their race. In America on the other hand, a Somali man born in 1985 immigrated to Minnesota in 1999, today he’s nominated for an Oscar. His name is Barkhad Abdi. Now tell me which society is better? I will say America is the best place in the world. Like I said, it’s not perfect, but I rather live here than be oppressed in Saudi Arabia. The Arab world lives in barbaric darkness due to pride, tribalistic, and racial superiority complex. They view black people and poor Asians as subhuman. It makes me angry that people say that’s an example of Islam, because Islam is beautiful and is against racism. 

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. abdi
    Mar 09, 2014 @ 04:22:24

    Hi, im from somali guy from findland. There is racism because they are poor. In herw findland arabs,bosnians and all other muslim get along because we all are asulym seekers and are in the same position.


  2. Munch1440
    Apr 15, 2014 @ 00:50:39

    i humbly disagree with you here. America is NOT the best society where people are forced to think Islam is a fundamentalist religion. There is Still widespread racism in America,Research Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X’s lives and see what led them to Deen. Yes the Saudis that are racist are completely wrong and sinful for their attitude because Nabi SAW was not racist and his son was black,who was titled”Mahboob e Rasul” The beloved of the Rasul


  3. Munch1440
    Apr 15, 2014 @ 00:51:01

    i mean adopted son- Zaid bin Harith RA


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